Based On 23+ Years Of Research With Over 10,000 IT Companies, Our MSP Marketing Fast Start Gives You A Fill-In-The-Blanks Plan That Takes The Guesswork Out Of Attracting More High-Value MSP Clients
Despite the fact that there is a BOOMING demand for IT services and cybersecurity solutions, most MSPs fail to grow and achieve financial success simply because they don’t know how to do sales and marketing the right way.
You might be tempted to think these are bad times for MSPs because you’ve struggled with new client acquisition. Maybe you think YOUR situation, YOUR market area and YOUR customers are “different” and won’t pay for IT services, making it “impossible” to get clients who value IT (and are willing to pay for it).
But I promise you, there are MSPs across the country – and in your area – who are growing profitably because they know how to implement proven, duplicatable marketing systems to attract the RIGHT customers willing to pay top dollar for IT services while their competition hibernates and starves.
We can show you how they’re doing it in a step-by-step plan.
Enroll in our program and follow the “paint-by-numbers” steps to creating a marketing plan. Use the program for a full 90 days to determine if it will work for you. All we ask is that you actually go through the sessions and give it an honest effort. If, after doing that, you are not delighted with your purchase, simply contact our customer success team within the first 90 days of enrolling and we’ll give you 100% of your money back.
The 2 Most Critical Things You Must Determine BEFORE Creating Your Marketing Plan or Writing ANY Campaign. There is no way I can accurately convey the importance of knowing these 2 fundamental pieces of information; they simply cannot be overlooked or your marketing efforts will be a complete failure.
A Zero-Cost Marketing Strategy That Will Instantly Have Prospects Acknowledging You As The Dominant Expert In Your City. Use this strategy and you will literally sway your customers’ buying criteria in your favor and frustrate your competitors to no end. Best of all, it costs nothing to produce and distribute.
A Proven Formula That Will Guarantee Success With Any Marketing Campaign. Most MSPs really don’t know how to design a winning marketing campaign, and they waste tons of time and money because of this. We’ll give you a 4-part formula for every campaign or marketing initiative that will practically guarantee results with every campaign.
How To Secure Business Away From Bigger Competitors Even If You Don’t Have Their Manpower And Money. I’ll show you how to position your company as so radically different from your toughest competitors that you’ll have new prospects choosing you over them WITHOUT having to cut your fees.
Dirt-Cheap Marketing Strategies To Generate Leads And Fuel Referrals. You don’t need to spend a fortune on marketing to generate a substantial number of new clients. I’ll show you real-life examples of PROVEN marketing campaigns that will attract qualified buyers to you like bees to honey.
How To Eliminate The Barriers That Prevent Customers From Buying. Most MSPs make it incredibly difficult for new prospects to do business with them. I’ll show you not only what you’re doing wrong, but also how you can eliminate these sales barriers to give your company a significant competitive advantage.
A Simple Campaign For Getting Raving-Fan Testimonials And Reviews. Studies show that positive reviews from happy clients have the single greatest impact on their decision when choosing one company over another. I’ll give you a super-simple e-mail you can send to clients that will get you glowing praise and testimonials so powerful they will make you blush!
How To Communicate Your Expertise To Prospective Clients So They Don’t Shop You On Price. Prospects don’t know how good you are until AFTER the sale; prior to that, they only know how good your marketing is. If you cannot accurately and concisely convey why a prospective customer should buy from you, you’ll be forever doomed to selling on price and losing deals you clearly should have been awarded. We’ll show you how to do this.
How To Turn Your Website Into A Nonstop Lead-Generation Machine. Your website is the single most important piece of marketing real estate you own. I’ll show you the most critical elements to getting a website to truly work FOR you, delivering qualified prospects.
A Little-Known Way To Get Other Companies To Sell Your Services For You. You already know how important word-of-mouth marketing is; I’ll show you how to put it into overdrive by getting noncompetitive business owners in your area to promote your services to everyone they know – including their customers. This is by far one of the most overlooked, underutilized methods for attracting new, qualified clients at almost zero cost.
The Fastest, Least Expensive Way To Generate More Revenue AND Profits. If I asked you to write down all the possible methods, tactics and ways at your disposal to increase sales, I’m sure you could come up with a laundry list of ideas. However, there is one that stands above all others. I’ll teach you what that strategy is and how to get it working in your business ASAP.
How You Can Reduce Attrition, Increase Client Loyalty And Train Your Customers To Buy More Often. Did you know that most technology businesses are tapping into only a fraction of the sales and revenue they could be getting? In my 23+ years, I’ve only met a handful of MSPs that have THIS strategy really dialed in (and they’re making BANK). I’ll show you what it is and how to implement it.
“We had a $1.1 million increase in revenue and added $195,882 in monthly recurring revenue last year using Robin’s strategies!”
“Witnessing an 800% growth from our first full year of revenue, our company is a living testament to following Robin’s strategy wholeheartedly!”
“Last year, we hit a new record and added $1,126,000 in profit! Before Robin, I would never have guessed these numbers were possible.”
You could spend YEARS stumbling through the dark, making mistakes, trying one thing after another, writing checks all the way until you finally figure out what works. Unfortunately, you’ll end up spending thousands more on failed campaigns than you would have invested in this and delaying your success.
You could simply enroll in this program and profit from MY hard work, MY experience and MY in-depth knowledge, completely shortcutting the entire success process. Why spend years trying to figure this all out on your own when I’m going to hand it to you, already perfected, on a silver platter AND guarantee it will work?
The materials contained in this program are real, field-tested, proven marketing strategies that are being used by MSPs from around the world who have very little time or money to spend on marketing. If it can work for them, I’m POSITIVE it will work for you.
Learn from an $18 million Best-In-Class MSP how to properly package, price and service your managed services contracts so you don’t get stuck with a bunch of low-margin, low-money clients.
If you are new to my material or have never met me before, I’m sure you’re a little bit (or maybe a lot) skeptical – and rightfully so. There are so many snake-oil salesmen offering the latest get-rich-quick scams that we all have to be a little bit cautious. I know I am.
That’s why in this letter I’ve done my absolute best to remove all of the risk for one simple reason: I know that once you see the value we deliver, you’ll want more and become a long-term loyal client.
Will it be dead easy? No. You need to apply the principles I’m outlining. This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. Growing any business takes focus, discipline and work. However, I can at least direct your efforts so you’re not running fast down the WRONG path, wasting time and money doing things that will never work.
YES, I know this seems a bit like infomercial “hype,” but you cannot ignore the hundreds of success stories. A simple call to my office will assure you that we are a very real business, with real employees, doing our BEST to support our clients. I’m NOT an ivory-tower consultant who is afraid to get dirty in the trenches with my clients. Quite honestly, I don’t know any other way to truly develop marketing and business strategies that actually WORK.
Click here and enroll in the program today. I promise you’ll be very glad you did.
Dedicated to YOUR success,
Robin Robins
Phone: 615-790-5011
A: This program is structured to flex with your current situation, goals and budgets. So, whether you’re a start-up or an MSP doing $10 million in revenue, the strategies will work for you. Truth is, marketing strategies aren’t based on the size of your company; they are based on your target audience (and we’ll show you how to do that), your goals and budget, not the size of your current MSP. We have inexpensive strategies (like how to fuel referrals and develop promotional partners) as well as more elaborate and “expensive” campaigns (like running an SDR team, PPC, trade shows, etc.).
A: Since the program is self-paced, you can put as much or as little time into implementation as you like, go as fast or slow as you like. How much time you need to invest in marketing and selling is dependent on your specific goals, your current starting point (do you have any marketing assets and systems or none?), the pace at which you work, the urgency you have for getting results, etc. We suggest you invest a couple of hours a day to get your marketing plan in place and implemented, but some people put more time in than that and others less. It’s entirely up to you.
A: No, but we do have additional coaching and implementation programs IF you decide you want more help and support. However, this program can be implemented and results achieved entirely on your own.
A: No. The majority of the MSP clients we have started as techs and not as sales and marketing pros. If you have that experience and background, you’ll get results even faster. But I fully expect you to be coming from ground zero with no sales or marketing experience to build on. What you do need to have is a growth mindset and willingness to implement the strategies I’m giving you. I can’t fix sheer laziness, disorganization and deeply ingrained dysfunctional behaviors that are counterproductive to success. Hopefully that’s not you.
A: No. Like it or not, making significant increases in sales and profits is NOT about how much you know about the technology you support, the technicians you have working for you or the number of certifications you have – it has 100% to do with how much you know about marketing. Even though this shouldn’t be true, unfortunately it is. The majority of clients don’t care what tech you use – they only care about the results and value you bring. If they TRUST YOU (which is a function of marketing), they’ll buy from you.